Online Course

The student can purchase courses in this module, and the administrator can view payment reports as well as student course performance.

Online Course

About Online Course?

An online course is a way to learn a new skill or gain some new knowledge from the comfort of your own home. They can either be paid or offered for free. This module provides a facility to take payments online/offline. In this module, a student can purchase courses and the admin can check payment reports and also can check student course performance.

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How to add Course?

To add course login from Superadmin/Admin panel then go to Online Course > Online Course then clicks on the + Add Course button the enter Title, Outcomes, Description, Inline Preview Image, Class, Section, Assign Teacher, Course Preview URL, Price, Discount, Free Course (if you want to upload course free of cost) then finally click on the Save button present at the top right corner. Once a course is created course detail modal will open, here you will see three options Add Section, Order Section

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How to order section?

To order the section of a course, click on the Manage Course button of the course and then click on the Order Section button, at the click of this button Order Section modal will open, from here you can change the order of the section.

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How to publish/unpublish course?

To publish/unpublish the course, click on the Manage Course button of the course and then click on the Publish Course button present at the top right corner. By default course will be unpublish so you will see Publish Course button, once the course is published button will be changed to Unpublish Course.

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How to check online course from student panel?

To check online courses from the student panel, login from the student panel then go to the Online Course link, here you will see all courses, now click on the Course Detail button of the course, at the click of this button, you will see all details of the course like course description, curriculum for this course, what will I learn, course price, etc.

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How to check online course from parent panel?

To purchase a course from the parent panel, login from the parent panel then go to the Online Course link, here you will see all courses, now click on the Course Detail button of the course, at the click of this button, you will see all details of the course like course description, curriculum for this course, what will I learn, course price, etc.

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How to purchase course from student panel?

To purchase a course from the student side, login from the student panel then go to the Online Course link, here you will see all courses, now click on the Buy Now button of the course which you want to purchase, this will redirect you in payment gateway page from where you can purchase the course by filling all necessary payment details. You can also purchase a course from the course details modal, this click on the Course Detail button, by clicking this button you can view all details of the course, now click on

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How to collect offline payment for paid online course?

To collect an offline payment, log in from the super admin/admin panel then go to Online Course > Offline Payment here select Class, Section, and Student, and click on the Search button, after searching the record all the courses will be listed below of the page. Now click on the Pay button of the course for which you want to collect a payment, at the click of this button Online Course Fee modal will open, here enter select Date, Payment mode and click on the Pay button. Once payment is collected you will see

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How to check online course reports?

Online Course Reports section contains 4 reports namely Student Course Purchase Report, Course Sell Count Report, Student Course Trending Report, and Course Complete Report. To check all reports, log in from the super admin/admin panel then go to Online Course > Online Course Report. Student Course Purchase Report -To check the student course purchase report click on the Student Course Purchase Report, here select Search Type and Payment Type (offline/online) and then click on the Search button, at a click

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How to manage AWS S3 bucket setting?

To manage the AWS S3 bucket setting, go to Online Course > Setting, here you have to enter Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Bucket Name, and Region. You can complete the AWS S3 bucket set in the following two steps -Create AWS accountCreate S3 BucketCreate AWS account -If you already have an AWS account then you can skip creating an AWS account and just log in in in into your existing account. To generate Access Key ID and Secret Access Key firstly you need to create an AWS account, for this follow AWS

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