To add fees master, go to Fees Collection > Fees Master (In fees master, we collect fees type and fees group and after that, we assign students for fees group.) then select Fees Group, Fees Type and Due Date then enter Amount (fees amount for the selected session), Fine Type (Percentage/Fix amount) and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Fees Master list on the right side of the page.
To edit fees code click on Edit icon and to delete fees code click on Delete icon present at Fees Code column in fees master list.
To assign/view student click on Assign/View student icon present at the Action column in the fees master list, it will redirect you to the Assigned Fees Group page, here select Class, Section and Category, Gender and RTE, and then click on the Search button. The list of assigned fees group will be shown below on the page.
Now select the student to whom you want to assign fees group and then click on the Save button.
To delete fees master click on the Delete icon present in the Action column in the fees master list.