Fees Collection

With Edumium, you can effortlessly manage student Fees Collection and maintain fees related data. It helps you save a lot of time and avoid late fines.

Fees Collection

About Fees Collection

In the Fees Collection module, you can effortlessly manage student Fees Collection and maintain fees related data. Fees Master is created session wise so you need to enter Fees Master data for every session. In this model, we collect the fees, adjust the fee discount and see the fees collected by the student from the payment id. Fees collection module workflow:- First we will configure the Fees Type, Fees Group, Fees Master, and Fees Reminder and prepare our fees to structure for the current session and

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How to add Fees Type?

To add fees type, go to Fees Collection > Fees Type then enter Name, Fees Code, and Description, and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Fees Type List on the right side of the page. To edit fees type click on the Edit icon and to delete fees type click on the Delete icon present in the fees type list.

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How to add Fees Group?

To add fees group, go to Fees Collection > Fees Group (fees group is collection of different types groups, here you can create fees like Class 1 General - I Instalment, II Instalment fees, month-wise fees, admission fees, transport fees, Class 2 General - exam fees, caution fees) then enter Name and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Fees Group List on the right side of the page. To edit the fees group click on the Edit icon and to delete the fees group

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How to add Fees Master?

To add fees master, go to Fees Collection > Fees Master (In fees master, we collect fees type and fees group and after that, we assign students for fees group.) then select Fees Group, Fees Type and Due Date then enter Amount (fees amount for the selected session), Fine Type (Percentage/Fix amount) and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Fees Master list on the right side of the page. To edit the fees code click on the Edit icon and to delete fees code click on Delete

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How to add Fees Discount?

To add fees discount, go to Fees Collection > Fees Discount then enter Name, Discount Code, Amount, and Description, and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Fees Discount List on the right side of the page. To assign/view student click on Assign/View student icon present at Action column in the fees discount list, at the click of this icon it will redirect you to the Assign Fees Discount page, here select Class, Section, and Category, Gender, and RTE, and then click on Search

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How to add Collect Fees?

To add collect fees, go to Fees Collection > Collect Fees then select Class and Section and then click on Search button. You can also search by keyword in Search Text Box and click on Save button. The list of student will be shown in the below of the page.To view fees detail click on Collect Fees button present at Action column in the student list, at click of this button Student Fees page will be open. Here you can see all assigned student fees details. To collect fees click on Add (+) icon

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How to search Fees Payment?

To search fees payment, go to Fees Collection > Search Fees Payment. You can search any fees payment detail through payment id and here enter Payment Id and then click on the Search button. The list of payment detail will be shown below on the page. To view payment id click on the View icon present in Action column in the payment id detail list.

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How to search Due Fees?

To search due to fees, go to Fees collection > Search Due Fees then select Fees Group, Class, and Section and then click on the Search button. Here you can see the list of all the students whose fee is payable.

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How to Carry Forward Fees ?

To carry forward fees, go to Fees Collection > Fees Carry Forward. If a student has the remaining amount in the previous session, then you can forward this remaining amount in the next session. Here select Class, Section, and then click on the Search button. The list of previous session balance fees will be shown below on the page. Here you can see the Due Date present on right side of the page.

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How to Fees Reminder?

To fees reminders, go to Fees Collection > Fees Reminder. Fee reminder is for sending fee reminder notifications to parents. Here two types of reminders are given. After and Before. To use it is just an active reminder and set your days. Such as before a reminder is set for 3 days then a fees reminder notification will be sent 3 days before the fees due date.

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How to check Fees Statement report?

To check the fees statement, go to Report > Finance click on Fees Statement. Here select Class, Section, and Student and then click on the Search button. Here you can see the student fees statement.

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How to check Balance Fees report?

To check the balance fees report, go to Report > Finance click on Balance Fees Report. Here select Class and Section and then click on the Search button. The list of searched records will be shown below on the page.

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How to check Fees Collection Report?

To check fees collection report, go to Report > Finance click on Fees Collection Report. Here select Search Type, Collect By, and Group By, and then click on the Search button. The list of searched records will be shown below on the page.

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How to check Online Fees Collection Report?

To online fees collection report, go to Report > Finance click on Online Fees Collection Report. Here select Search Type and then click on the Search button. The list of searched records will be shown below on the page.

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How to check Payroll Report?

To check payroll report, go to Report > Finance clicks on Payroll Report. Here select Search Type and then click on the Search button.

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How student can view fees Details?

After login from the student panel, go to the sidebar menu click and follow the Fees link. Here you can see fees details. If the online payment gateway is enabled from there, then the student can pay the fees from this side.

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How to check balance fees statement?

To check fees balance fees statement, go to Report > Finance then click on Balance Fees Statement. Here select Class and Section and then click on the Search button. The list of searched records will be shown below on the page.

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How to check daily collection report?

To check the daily collection report, go to Report > Finance then clicks on Daily Collection Report. Here select the date range (Date From and Date To) for which you want to check the collection. The list of searched records will be shown below on the page.

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