Front Office

Edumium School ERP’s front office is used for managing the requirements of the reception area of the school/institute.

Front Office

About Front Office

School Receptionists answer phone calls, greet visitors and provide information to parents and students. They can provide information on a variety of topics, including rules, disciplinary measures, and the day-to-day operations of the school. Front office module workflow- First we will set up Front Office then we will manage student Admission Enquiry then add daily Visitor Book, Phone Call Log, Postal Dispatch, Postal Receive, and then Complain.

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How to Setup Front Office?

To set up the front office, go to Front Office > Setup Front Office. You can add Purpose, Complain Type, Source, and Reference data which will be used in different sections of the front office. Here enter Purpose and Description and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Purpose List on the right side of the page. Follow the same procedure to make entries for Complain Type, Source, and Reference. To edit purpose click on the Edit icon and to delete purpose click on

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How to add student Admission Enquiry?

To add student admission inquiry, go to Front Office > Admission Enquiry clicks on Add icon present on the right side in admission inquiry. Here enter Name, Phone, Email, Address, Description, Note, Date, Next Follow Up Date, Assigned, Reference, select Class and Number Of Child, and then click on Save button. To view inquiry, select Enquiry Date, Source, and Status and then click on the Search button. The list of inquiries will be shown below on the page. To follow existing inquiry click on Follow

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How to add Visitor Book?

To add visitor book, go to Front Office > Visitor Book then select the Purpose, Name, Phone, ID Card, Number Of Person, Date, In Time, Out Time, Note and Attach Document and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Visitor List on the right side of the page. To view visitors click on the View icon present in the Action column in the visitor list, at the click of this icon Details modal will be open. Here you can see the details of the visitor. To edit visitors click on the Edit icon and

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How to add Phone Call Log?

To add phone call log, go to Front Office > Phone Call Log then enter Name, phone, Date, Description, Next follow Up Date, Call Duration, Note and select Call Type (incoming/outgoing) and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Phone Call Log List on the right side of the page. To view the phone call log click on the View icon present at Action column in the phone call log list, at the click of this icon Details modal will be open. Here you can see the details of the

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How to add Postal Dispatch?

To add postal dispatch, go to Front Office > Postal Dispatch then enters To Title, Reference No, Address, Note and From Title, Date, and Attach Document and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Postal Dispatch List on the right side of the page. To view postal dispatch click on the View icon present in the Action column in the postal dispatch list, at the click of this icon Details modal will be open. Here you can see the details of the postal dispatch. To download

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How to add Postal Receive?

To add postal receive, go to Front Office > Postal Receive then enter From Title, Reference No, Address, Note, To Title, Date, and Attach Document and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Postal Receive List on the right side of the page. To view postal receive click on the View icon present at Action column in the postal receive list, at the click of this icon Details modal will be open. Here you can see the details of the postal receive. To edit postal receive

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How to add Complain?

To add complain, go to Front Office > Complain then select Complain Type, Source, Complain By, Phone, Date, Description, Action Taken and Assigned, Note and Attach Document and then click on Save button. You can view this added complaint in the Complain List on the right side of this page. To view complaints click on the View icon present in the Action column in the complaint list, at the click of this icon Details modal will be open. Here you can see the details of the complaint.To edit complain click on

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